music marketing pr


Hello, my friend. 

However you ended up here, I'm grateful that you did. Wherever I'm reaching you at this stage of your artist life, it's precisely where it was meant to happen.

If you find yourself feeling lost or overwhelmed, unseen or unheard, or simply in need of a good plan, welcome home.

The Compass Method is a dynamic learning and unlearning environment, thoughtfully designed to navigate you through the complexities of your artistic journey, saving you time and protecting your emotional and creative energy.

Here you will find coaching and strategy consultation as well as guided and self-guided courses covering all aspects of artist development including Branding, PR, Digital Marketing, A&R, and more.

1 HR ZOOM Sessions

In-Person Meetings Available in NY

Sessions Recorded with Detailed Summaries

Topics Covered: Music Marketing, Publicity, A&R, Team Building, Time-lining & Career Planning, Release Strategy, Overcoming Limiting Beliefs, Orienting Narratives, Branding and Brand Identity, Executive Coaching, Business Development.

Your Guide

Patrick is a seasoned music industry professional hailing from Brooklyn, New York. Born into a musical family of opera singer-entrepreneurs, he inherited a unique combination of artistic and business acumen. he honed his skills through formal education, including studies at Northeastern University's music business program in Boston and The Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences in Arizona.

Starting as an engineer and producer at the renowned Cutting Room Recording Studios in New York City, he rose through the ranks to eventually manage and develop the studio into one of the most successful in the city, collaborating with some of the biggest names in the music industry along the way. Patrick’s entrepreneurial spirit led to the launch of an independent record label, followed by a leading music publicity agency, Gramophone Media, where he served as COO, CMO and General Manager / head of A&R for over a decade. 

With over 1000 artists in his portfolio and a reputation for insightful, direct, and thoughtful artist and business development, he is a sought-after mentor, strategist, and collaborator. Patrick also work as a consultant for music businesses and startups where he coaches founders and CEOs on business development and M&A. 

Patrick contributes to the community through artist mentorship, speaking engagements, blogging, advocating for women and underrepresented groups in the music industry, and as an educator at Berklee Online, where he specialize in Brand Identity Development. Patrick’s mission is to empower artists and founders to navigate their journey with clarity, confidence, and authenticity.